Monday, August 21, 2006

Why a blog? Why a duck?

I started this blog because my political raves were beginning to take over our family blog Not that there isn't room for politics on family websites - far from it - but I think my farflung and long-suffering family need a bit of breathing space.
So here goes.
As you can see from the intro and my profile, I have a special interest in the way whitefellas deal with a minority blackfella population. I make no claim to having all the answers. I have, however, got a number of questions and a perspective on the issues that comes from living in Northern Australia for the best part of 20 years.
As this blog rolls on, I'll be asking those questions and offering my perspectives. If you have anything you'd like to add, please do.
I should warn you that I have little patience with the porridge-like language beloved of politicians and bureaucrats. I promise to work hard to make my own contributions succinct and understandable and if you write me porridge in response, be prepared to be sent up unmercifully.
See ya!

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